Asbestos Health Risks


Asbestos, as we now know, can pose serious health risks to those that are exposed to disturbed fibers, whether in the workplace, home or community. Concerned that your home and family could be at risk of asbestos exposure? Here at New York Asbestos Removal, we’ll give you the details on the associated health risks of asbestos and how you can protect yourself and family members.


Asbestos, which was used frequently in building materials in the seventies, has now been classified as a known human carcinogen by organizations such as the EPA, the Department of Human and Health Services and the Agency for Research on Cancer. Asbestos is made up of natural fibers that exist in safe, low levels in our environment, however high levels of asbestos found in old infrastructure are what pose serious health risks.


Asbestos fibers, when breathed in, can attach to the lungs, accumulate and stay there for a very long time causing scarring and respiratory diseases. The small and incredibly resilient fibers have been linked to mesothelioma, a rare lung cancer as well as asbestosis, an inflammatory lung condition.


So how can you protect yourself from asbestos? It’s important to point out that it’s disturbed asbestos particles that pose a severe health risk. That means any exposure to building demolition, home remodeling, office remodeling or cracked or damaged infrastructure, can pose a risk.

Unsure if asbestos is present in your home or office? Contact our team at New York Asbestos Removal to find out. We’ll not only provide the asbestos abatement and asbestos removal, but also asbestos remediation to ensure that your home or workplace is safe. Call us today or click here for a free quote.

Asbestos Removal: Surprising Things You Should Know

Unless you haven’t been paying much attention, you probably understand how harmful asbestos can be to human beings. When dislodged, asbestos fibers can infiltrate the lungs, leading to mesothelioma and other types of breathing disorders. Whether you are a home or business owner, you should contract for asbestos removal to make sure your space is […]
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