Many of the older synagogues, private homes and commercial buildings in Monsey, NY were built before 1978, the year when the dangers of asbestos exposure were accepted as fact. Buildings built before that time undoubtedly harbor asbestos and, if you are the owner of such a building, your workers or family could be at risk. Our company can help. We have done asbestos abatement (removal) and asbestos remediation (site clean up) in Monsey, NY for more than 25 years.
Asbestos causes cancer, pneumonia, Mesothelioma, asbestosis and other dangerous lung diseases as the thinner-than-a-human-hair asbestos fibers are breathed into the lungs of those exposed. So the first thing that must happen is for the asbestos to be detected.
An independent testing firm goes in and samples the air and, if asbestos is detected, our certified team goes into the building immediately. We seal off the hazard, wet the material and use negative air machines to make sure none escapes while we are conducting abatement and then we carefully bag and dispose of the asbestos off-site at a designated landfill for hazardous materials.
Then we begin a painstaking cleanup (remediation.) All areas we opened to remove the asbestos are resealed and carefully cleaned with filtered equipment. Next the air is retested and when it has been declared asbestos-free, only then do we reconstruct the contents just as we found them and allow your family or workers back on site.
We offer a free consultation, a fair price and a great reputation in Monsey, NY. For asbestos cleanup services, call (877) 645-1428